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Activities for the 16th of June


How are you feeling today? Are you excited? I bet you are!


Here, you have a survey that will be very useful for you to review the whole topic! Calm down, it´s not an exam.


You can use your books but don´t rush and think about all the answers carefully!


    Survey about unit 9


Have a very nice day!

Lots of love!

Activities for the 15th of June


What´s up?


It´s time for the extra point!


Instead of doing it in your notebook, you just need to complete the gaps in the worksheet and send it to me!

I can´t wait to read your answers.


   Extra point exercise 


See you!

Activities for the 11th of June


Come on! Just one more day!


We are finishing the unit by reading and learning about a very important cultural movement that came from France, The Enlightenment.


I have highlighted the book for you and I have prepared a video to explain The Enlightenment to you.


Now, you need to complete the following exercise by filling the gaps with the following words: thinkers / Voltaire / France / Encyclopaedia / cultural.

Enjoy your day!

Activities for the 10th of June


How are you today?


We continue studying the last unit. It´s time for you to know everything that happened during the 18th century (pages 94).


Here you have the pictures of the book and, below, you have the video with the explanation.

18th century philip V.jpg

How did you find all this? It´s not difficult, is it? Well, let´s see. You need to do now an activity in which you need to match different events with their dates. Obviously, you can check the dates in your books.


In order to draw the lines, you need to click on the pencil that is located on the top right. After a few minutes, you will see the solutions right by the pencil.

Bye! Xoxo

Activities for the 9th of June

Hi there!

How are you doing?


It´s time for some culture today! We are gonna learn about one of the most important cultural movements of Spanish history, the Golden Age (pages 92 and 93).

golden age 1.jpg
golden age.jpg

Here, it´s the video in which you can see the explanation.

There is an exercise that you need to do. You need to fill in the gaps using the following words: Buildings / Golden Age / dark / Catholic Church / Golden.

Activities for the 8th of June

Morning guys!

What´s up? Have you had a nice weekend? I hope so.


Well, we are starting the last unit. This time it is about the 17th and 18th century.

We are gonna learn what happened during those centuries, the kings that reigned Spain and, of course, we will know a little bit about the culture during those days.


Let´s start reading pages 90 and 91.

17th century.jpg
Philip IV and Charles II.jpg

As you see, Spain, during the 17th century, had so many kings. 


I have prepared a video explaining each reign.

Here you go.

I know that there are so many kings and facts to study. If you do your diagrams, it will help you to have everything clearer. Remember that you don´t need to copy everything, just the main ideas.


Now, you have a kahoot to play. I hope you enjoy it.

See you tomorrow! Have a lovely afternoon!

Activities for the 21st of May

Good morning!


I hope you are ready to do your test about the Modern Ages. 

This is one of those tests that you must do.

Please, read the questions carefully and, once you have finished, review the whole test to be sure you haven´t made any mistakes.

Remember that you need to write your name and your surnames.

The last day to do it is Sunday.


Por favor, no olvidéis que este test es obligatorio para todo el mundo y que el último día para hacerlo es el domingo. 

Recordad escribir vuestro nombre y apellidos.


Good luck! You will do it great!

Activities for the 20th of May

Morning guys!

I hope you are well!


As I have been saying lately, we are doing the Social Sciences exam tomorrow. So, for today, I have prepared a game in which you can review all the contents studied during this unit.


I want to remind you that the extra point is the Monday´s activities so if you haven´t sent them to me, you need to do it as soon as possible. (No olvidéis mandarme el punto extra. Son las actividades del lunes).


Now, you can play the game. Don´t forget to study for tomorrow.

Have a very nice evening!

Activities for the 18th of May

Good morning and good Monday!

I hope you have rested during the weekend and you are full of energy now!


As you know, we have finished the unit. This means that the exam will be soon (el cuestionario será pronto), so you should study.

Today, we are gonna do two activities which are the extra point. No son la actividad de siempre pero, son las que van a contar como tal. So you must do it and send it to me (debéis hacerlas y mandármelas).


They are the activities number 3 and 5 of page 87. You can see them below.

Think carefully please.


See you tomorrow!

extra point.jpg

Activities for the 14th of May


Let´s go for this last day of the week!


Today, I am not leaving you any activities instead, I want you to finish your diagrams (send them to me) and study the unit, because we have finished the topic so the exam wil be soon.


And... I´m sharing this video about the discovery of America so you can refresh your memory about it.

Have a lovely weekend!

Activities for the 12th of May

Hello everyone!


Today, we are finishing the unit. This is why we are gonna read the last page (85), in which is explained how was the government and where were the territories of the Spanish empire during Charles I and Philip II´s reigns.


First, as always, we are gonna read the page.


Now, you have the explanation in this video.

Solution for yesterday´s activity.

Here there are the answers for yesterday´s activities.


Enjoy your day!

actividad carlos I y Felipe II nueva res

Activities for the 11th of May

Hi there!

How are you doing? I hope you are well and you had a really nice weekend.


We start the week moving on to page 84. On this page, we are gonna learn about two of the most important kings of Spanish history: Charles I and Philip II.

First, let´s read the page.

Carlos I y Felipe II.jpg

Now, I leave you two videos in which I explain what you have just learnt.

What do you think about these kings? Their stories are pretty amazing, aren´t they?


Well, now you need to do the following activity. As you can see, there are different events. You need to decide which ones happened during Charles I´s reign and which ones during Philip II´s reign. If there is any that was common to both of them, you just write it in them both.

Have a look at the examples given.


actividad carlos I y Felipe II nueva.jpg



Have a nice day! See you tomorrow!

Activities for the 8th of May


What´s up?´s Friday! You are about to finish the week and start the weekend!


Today, we are reading and studying the conquest of America and how its territorial organization was. 

Here, you have the page of the book (highlighted) and the video with the explanation.

I hope you understand everything. It is not difficult at all.


Enjoy your weekend! Lots of love.


Activities for the 7th May

Hello everybody!

How are you doing? I hope you are fine.


As you know, we are studying unit 8 which is about the Modern Ages.

We studied about the Catholic Monarchs and about Colombus´ voyages.


Today, we are learning about pre-Columbian civilizations and cultures. (Page: 82)

Here you have the screenshot of the book and the video, in which, I explain this page.


Finally, here you have an activity to practise what you have learnt today. You don´t need to do it in your notebooks, you can do it straight away in the game.

To draw the line, you need to click on the pencil that is on the top right and, then, draw the lines. After 120 seconds, you will be able to see the answers.

I hope you like it!

Have a great afternoon!

Solution for yesterday´s activity

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Activities for the 6th of May

Today, you need to complete a piece of text which is a summary of the pages studied yesterday. 

Help yourself by using the book (pages 80 and 81).


Enjoy your afternoon! ;)

resumen colon y reyes catolicos.jpg

Activities for the 5th of May

Hello everyone!

I hope you are fine!


Yesterday we reviewed how the Middle Ages ended and we have a general look at the main events that happened during this unit that we are starting today.


So, open your books on page 80 and 81 and let´s read the pages.


Now, you have a video in which I explain these pages. 

After you watch the video and you read the pages, you can start doing your diagram about them.

Have a lovely afternoon! Tons of kisses for you all!

Activities for the 4th of May


How are you doing?

We start a new week, a new month and a new unit today! Are you ready to go for them?


A little summary of the previous units

In the previous units, we studied the Middle Ages which started with the fall of the Roman Empire. During these units we saw how Spain was invanded by the Visigoths and the Muslims. We learnt about their culture and how Spain was organised during their times. 

After that, we studied how the Christians reconquered the territory and the kingdoms in which, Spain was divided. 

Finally, we learnt that due to the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs, the Crown of Castile and the Crown of Aragon got unified. But, what happened next? Well, you will know very soon because it is explained in this unit called... SPAIN DURING THE MODERN PERIOD.


Let´s start unit 8

The first thing you need to know is that the Middle Ages ended with the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. It was by then when the Modern Ages started.


Tomorrow, we will start reading and studying the new topic but, I thought that it was important for you to review the previous units.

In order to let you know what we are going to study during this unit, I have prepared a timeline in which you can see some of the most importants events that happened during those years. I have divided it into three. These three parts correspond to the reigns of the three kings that we are seeing: the Catholic Monarchs, Charles I and Philip II.


TRANQUILOS, el timeline no lo tenéis que estudiar, sino que es para que tengáis una visión global del tema y sepáis el orden en el que sucedieron los diferentes acontecimientos. Si queréis lo podéis copiar en el cuaderno.

Actividades del día 02/04

Buenos días chicos.

Hoy, os voy a dejar un cuestionario con preguntas sobre el tema 7 de sociales. No hace falta que lo hagáis hoy, pero sí que es importante que, en estos próximos días, lo completéis y le deis a enviar porque lo voy a evaluar. Tenéis hasta el lunes para acabarlo.

Con que le deis al botón "submit" es suficiente, no hace falta que me mandéis fotos al correo.

Pasad muy buenos días en familia.

Muchos, muchos besos.

Actividades del día 01/04


How are you?

Let´s do activity number 1 of page 77 in which we need to complete the summary of the unit, although you might need to have a look at the previous unit as well.

This is the activity we used to do in class to get the extra point so it´s important that you complete it and send the answers to me.​

Have a good afternoon and big kisses for everyone.

actividad final unit 7.jpg

Correcciones de las actividades del día 31/03

You can check in the buttons that are below the completed diagramas.

Actividades del día 31/03

Come on guys! It´s a pretty bad day so enjoy your time at home!

Let´s finish the month with a diagram. As you know, I have been asking you to do diagrams about every part of the unit.

Here, I leave you my one although it has some missing parts. You don´t need to copy it or do it if you are happy with your diagrams but I thought it was a good idea to share this one with you all.

So if you want to do it, go ahead! I will let you know the missing parts tomorrow.

Corrección de la actividad del día 30/03

Actividades del día 30/03


We finished the unit 7 last week. So for today, we are going to do the following activity.

You need to do it in your notebooks. Try to write full answers and once you have finish it, send it to me and I will correct it. Anyway, I will provide you the answers tomorrow.

Have a very good afternoon.

actividad arquitectura.jpg

Actividades del día 27/03


Let´s go for the last day of the week!

Today, we are gonna finish the topic about the Christian Kingdoms. Let´s keep learning about the architecture. The last style is the Gothic one.

Tema 7 10 (2).JPG
tema 7 11.jpg

This is a good example of a Gothic building.

As you can see a very characteristic feature of this style is the pointed towers.

Like every day, you need to do the diagram in your notebooks and send them to me.

Have a very lovely weekend! Talk on Monday!

Actividades del día 26/03


So, the other day, we studied about Al-Andalus architecture but, as you know, there were two more styles in the Middle Ages. Today, we are gonna learn about the Romanesque architecture (page 74).

tema 7 7.jpg
Tema 7 9 (2).JPG

We can see an example of this style in the picture on the right.

tema 7 8.jpg

As you can see the design is more simple and classic with less details.


That´s it for today. You have the vocabulary list available to check if you don´t know a word. 

Don´t forget you need to draw the diagram and send it to my email.


Have a good day and we´ll talk tomorrow! 


Actividades del día 24/03

Hi there!

We are gonna keep reading this unit. We are starting the architecture in the Middle Ages.(page: 74).

As you can see, there were three main styles: Al-Andalus architecture, Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture.

Today, we are just focusing on the Al-Andalus one.

tema 7 4.jpg
tema 7 5 (2).JPG

An example of this type of architecture is the Alhambra of Granada. (picture on the right)

tema 7 6.jpg

Once you have read the text carefully and you have understood it, you need to do the diagram.

Remember, to send me yours for me to correct them.

This is all for today! See you tomorrow!

Corrección de la actividad del día 23/03

Here it is the map with its answers.


Actividades del día 23/03

Good morning!

I hope you had a nice weekend and you enjoyed it with your families.

So, let´s start the week reviewing how Spain was divided during the Christian Kingdoms (15th century) before the Catholic Monarchs got married. As we studied last week, Spain was divided into five kingdoms but, would you be able to locate them on a map? 

There is a map below in which you need to locate those five kingdoms. You have some help on page 72 of your books.

Don´t worry about the map. If you want to print it or draw it, it´s fine but if not, just write in your notebooks the letters and the kingdoms.

mapa completar.jpg

Actividades del día 20/03


Let´s keep reading the unit. Today, we are just gonna read about how the cities were in the Middle Ages  (page 73).


tema 7 3 (2).JPG

Remember that you need to do the diagrams about what we are studying (as we did in class). And send them to me once you have done them.

Have an amazing weekend and ejoy this time with your family! 

Actividades para el día 19/03

Hi there! 

How are you finding this unit? I hope you are understanding it so far. In order to check your knowledge, I am leaving you a game about the first page of the topic. By answering the questions, you can check, on your own, if you have understood everything or if there is something you should read again.

Once again, don´t forget that you can write to me for anything you need.

See you tomorrow!

Corrección de la actividad del día 18/03

Page: 73; activity:1

Craftsmen and merchants would go at the bottom of the pyramid because they were peasants.

Actividades del día 18/03

Today, you need to read and review the page we read yesterday (page: 72). Once you have done this, you need to draw the social pyramid in your notebook. Then, you need to do the activity number 1 of page 73 (the one that is below).


Remember, that you have my email address ( to send me all the activities you are doing in your notebooks and to ask me if you have any doubts.

dibujar piramide.jpg

Actividades del día 17/03

We are starting unit 7 today. It´s called "The Middle Ages: The Christian Kingdoms".

Remember that we finished the last topic saying that Christians defeated the Muslims in the Battle of Tolosa and, after that, they conquered all of Al-Andalus , except the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. So, let´s see what happened next. (Page 72; The Christian Kingdom)

tema 7 1 (2).JPG

I am gonna explain these paragraphs.

So, Christians (who were organised in kingdoms and counties) unified in four large kingdoms and they all fought against the Muslims. During this period of fighting, called Christian Reconquest, Christians took back the territory that was occuupied by the Muslims (look at the colours of the map).

Later on, in 1469, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragón (Catholic Monarchs) got married. As a consequence of this marriage, Castile and Aragón became a unified kingdom.

They kept fighting against the Muslims and finally, in 1492, the Catholic Monarchs conquered Granada.



How was the Christian society organised?

tema 7 2 (2).JPG

I leave you below a video that explains what a feudal system is.

I also leave you a vocabulary list in which I explain some words that you will find through this didactic unit. You don´t need to study it, it´s just for you to understand better when you read the unit.

The landscape of Spain

Unit 1

Population Of Spain & Europe

Unit 3

The Economy

Unit 4

The economy of Spain and Europe

Unit 5

The Visigoth kingdom and Al-Andalus

Unit 6

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