Correction of yesterday´s activities
Hey guys, sorry I forgot to leave the answers.
Here, they are.

Activities for the 30th of April
Hi everyone!
Are you ready for the long weekend? I´m sure you are.
Before you start to enjoy your days off, we need to work for a little bit. So today, you need to complete some sentences (that are below) and read the story of the past unit (page 78 and 79). After that, you will need to do the activity number 2 of page 78. Don´t forget to give full answers.
Let´s go for it!
In this first exercise, you need to complete the gaps using the correct word or the correct tense. These sentences are in zero conditional (if you don´t remember it, look at the yesterday´s presentation). Anyway, I leave you a clue: you need to use the present simple.
If my dad drives very fast, I _______ (get) sick.
Plants die ____ they _________ (not get) enough water.
_____ I run, I get tired.
When he _______ (mix) red and blue, he _____ (get) purple.
______ I ___ (be) late, my father ______ (take) me to school.
He plays football if he _________ (not have) any homework.
If I ____________ (not know) a word, I look it up in my dictionary.
__________ you cross an international date line, the time __________ (change).
Now, it´s time to read! There we go!​

We have finished for today. Have a lovely weekend!
Activities for the 29th of April
I hope you all are fine!
We are starting a new unit today, unit 7.
During this topic, we are gonna practise the zero and first conditional. And you are probably wondering, what´s that?
Bien (voy a explicarlo un poco en español, pero no os acostumbréis). Las condicionales son como las condicionales nuestras, es decir, oraciones en las que se establece una condición para que suceda algo u oraciones en las que se expresa un hipótesis.
Un ejemplo es "Si calientas agua a 100º, el agua hierve" / "If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils." En este caso, establecemos una condición para que el agua hierva. Esta condición es que el agua tiene que estar a 100º.
Otro ejemplo sería: "Si mañana hace calor, iremos a la piscina" / "If it´s hot tomorrow, we will go to the pool". Una vez más, se tiene que dar la condición de que haga calor para que podamos ir a la playa.
Right, so these English conditionals have different names. There are: zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional and third conditional. We are just gonna study the zero and the first conditional.
Today, we are seeing the zero conditional. In order for you to understand it, I have prepared a presentation.
Aunque en la presentación, están explicadas todas las condicionales, yo sólo quiero que miréis la "zero conditional", ¿vale?
Si picáis en la mancha de pintura de "zero conditional", os lleva directamente ahí. También hay un vídeo explicativo. Para verlo, tenéis que volver al menú principal (arriba a la derecha) e ir al vídeo.
¡Espero que os guste!
Have you seen how to do it?
Two sentences in present simple which are separated by a comma except for when the "if" is in the middle. In this case, we don´t write the comma.
The "if" or "whether" are our "si".
Oky doky, so it´s time to PRACTISE.
You need to do the exercise 3 of page 89 (student´s book) and exercise 2 of page 87 (student´s book). The answers will be here tomorrow.
Si queréis practicar más esto u otras cosas estudiadas durante el curso (present tense, past tense, future tense, comparatives and superlatives, vocabulary, comprensión lectora...), tenéis abajo del todo, un montón de links con juegos para practicar.
This is it for today! See you tomorrow!

Activities for the 27th of April
Hi everyone and happy beginning of the week!
I can´t believe it´s already the last week of April! Time flies!
Hoy, vamos a hacer el último cuestionario de inglés. Como la semana pasada, este cuestionario es fundamental, por lo que todos lo tenéis que hacer.
Es importante que pongáis los cinco sentidos al hacerlo y LEÁIS EL CONTEXTO DE LA ORACIÓN, es decir, lo que hay delante y después del hueco. Sólo así sabréis si está en presente o en pasado, si es una oración en activa o pasiva, si está preguntando sobre un adjetivo o sobre otro, etc.
Una vez acabado, repaséis vuestras respuestas para comprobar que está bien.
Como ya os dije el viernes en el blog y en los correos que os envié, los cuestionarios de todas las asignaturas de la semana pasada están cerrados. En cuanto al de hoy, tenéis hoy y mañana para poder hacerle. Así que, por favor, no lo dejéis para última hora.
So, now, let´s do it!
Activities for the 24th of April
Come everyone! It´s Friday!
Hoy vamos a hacer el cuarto test de inglés que es el de gramática. Este test, como los anteriores, es esencial. Por lo tanto, lo tenéis que hacer.
Hemos hecho tres cuestionarios, dos "listenings" y un "writing". Hay muchos de vosotros que no los habéis hecho todos. Por favor, comprobadlo y si no lo habéis hecho, hacedlo. Si tenéis dudas, lo podéis hacer otra vez. No pasa nada si me aparece dos veces vuestro nombre, no os voy a bajar puntos ni nada parecido. Simplemente, sólo corregiré el primero.
Ahora, sobre el test de hoy.
-Debéis fijaros bien en lo que se os da y en lo que se os pide. Leed bien los enunciados.
-No hay tiempo. Por lo tanto, no corráis. Acordaros bien de la estructura de todo lo que hemos estudiado (tenéis infinidad de esquemas, presentaciones, ejercicios hechos y corregidos...).
-Leed con cuidado.
Sois de sobra capaces de hacerlo perfecto pero, por favor, no corráis. No hay prisa, no lo tenéis que acabar hoy.
En el primer ejercicio tenéis que completar los huecos con las palabras del cuadro. Leed la respuesta para saber de qué está hablando. Sólo así sabréis que adjetivo usar.
En el segundo ejercicio, tenéis que hacer en PASIVA una oración afirmativa y otra negativa relacionada con el dibujo y usando las palabras que os dan. Veréis que aparece dos veces el mismo dibujo. Eso es porque en el primero tenéis que escribir la oración afirmativa y en el segundo, la negativa.
Have a very nice weekend!
Activities for the 23rd of April
Vamos a continuar con los tests de inglés. Hoy vamos a hacer la parte de writing. Os recuerdo que hemos hecho dos de listening. Hay algunos alumnos que sólo han hecho uno, así que, si no haced los dos, por favor.
Estos tests son obligatorios.
Por otro lado, en el nombre, escribid nombre y apellido para que no haya confusiones.
Hay algunos que están haciendo el mismo test varias veces. Como en lengua, sólo cuento el primero así que, repasad todo bien antes de enviarlo.
Good luck! See you tomorrow
Activities for the 22nd of April
Hi guys!
Today we are doing the second part of the listening test.
You have the audio and then, the test. Once you finish answering the questions, click on "submit" to send it to me.
Talk tomorrow.
Activities for the 21st of April
Hello guys!
Today we are doing the first part of the listening test.
Here you have the audio (you have to click on it) and, below is the test. Don´t forget to click on "submit" to send it to me.
Solution for yesterday´s activity
1. The party was had by my neighbours on Saturday night.
2. Pasta is cooked by my parents for lunch.
3. Her bike is ridden by Susan every morning.
4. The bottle is filled up by me.
5. The floor was swept by James on Sunday.
Activities for the 20th of April
Morning guys!
How was the weekend? I hope you had fun and enjoyed your time off.
We are gonna do the exam activities soon. So, in order to review the main aspects of the unit. I am gonna leave you some sentences in the active voice. You need to rebuild them and transform them into the passive voice.
IMPORTANT: Remember that you have all the diagrams we did in class before we left, the presentations that I have been leaving you in the blog and the summary of the "Language reference" book. So, please, take all that into account to review the unit.
Quick summary:
Present --> to be (am / is /are) + Past Participle
Past --> to be (was / were) + Past Participle
Well, now, the sentences you have to change are the following:
1. My neighbours had a birthday party on Saturday night.
2. My parents cook pasta for lunch.
3. Susan rides her bike every morning.
4. I fill the bottle up.
5. James swept the floor on Sunday.
This is it! See you toorrow.
Activities for the 17th of April
As I told you on the Spanish language page, I am leaving two short movies for you to watch, listen to and have fun! I hope you enjoy them!
Have a lovely weekend!
Solution for yesterday´s activity

Activity for the 16th of April
Hello everybody!
Today, you need to do the exercise number 5 on page 85 of your activity book. Here, you need to complete the questions (in the passive voice) using the words in the brackets ().
Remember that you have a presentation about how to build sentences in the passive voice on the "Actividades del día 24/03". Please, check it out before doing the exercise.
That is all. Have a good afternoon!
Lots of love.

Solutions for yesterday´s exercises

Activities for the 15th of April
Hi there!
Let´s keep reviewing the last unit about the passive voice and the "how+adjective" questions.
You need to do the activities number 3 (page 84) and 4 (page 85) of your activity book.
In the first exercise you need to order the words to build sentences in the passive voice. So have a look at your notes and the presentations in order to check the order of words in a sentence.

Solutions for yesterday´s activities.

Activities for the 14th of April
Welcome back everyone!
How are you doing? I hope you are fine and you have enjoyed your time off.
Today we start the last term! I know it is difficult but we will be back to normal soon. I miss you soooo much!
Well, we are going to review what we were studying before Easter. So you need to do the following activities of your Activity book. They are activities 1 and 2 on page 84.
Remember that I will provide you the answers tomorrow.
Have a lovely afternoon!

Resolución de las actividades optativas del review del student´s book
Hola chicos.
Os dejo las respuestas del "review" para que las podáis echar un ojo una vez hayáis acabado las actividades.
Un beso muy grande a todos.
Actividades del 02/04
Buenos días.
¿Qué tal estáis?
Hoy, no vamos a hacer actividades. Os voy a dejar un corto de Disney (obviamente en inglés) para que lo disfrutéis.
Como ya sabéis, he dejado, en la página principal del blog, los refuerzos que tenéis que hacer, de manera obligatoria, todos los alumnos que hayáis suspendido alguna asignatura y, de forma opcional, los que sí las hayáis aprobado. También hay una serie de juegos (optativos) para que practiquéis los contenidos estudiados durante el trimestre.
Debajo del vídeo, os voy a dejar una lectura y unas actividades de inglés por si alguien quiere practicar aún más durante estas vacaciones. Son todas opcionales, si no lo hacéis, no pasa nada. Es el "reading" de la unidad 6 del student´s book y algunos ejercicios del "review" del mismo libro.
En unos días colgaré la solución de estas actividades.
Me despido ya. Un beso muy fuerte, disfrutad estos días y escribidme si necesitáis cualquier cosa.
Ahora, 3.........................2..............................1.............................GO!
Actividades optativas para Semana Santa

Corrección de las actividades del día 01/04

Actividades del día 01/04
Good morning guys!
We are doing some exercise from your activity books that will help you to understand how to write questions in the passive voice better.
Let´s go to page 77. You need to do activity numbers 1 and 2 (do them in the book).
Please, once again, check all the notes and presentations that I have provided you while you complete the questions.

Corrección de la actividad del día 31/03

Actividades del día 31/03
Hi there!
I hope you are doing well and you are enjoying your time at home.
We are keeping practising the links we reviewed yesterday. So, I am leaving you another activity to do. Here you need to do two things. The first one is rewrite the sentences (in the passive voice) you have below the picture. It´s very important that you think carefully about how to build a sentence in the passive voice (look at all the notes you have about it). The second thing is to use the links you have in the orange box. You need to put each of them before the sentences you have just rewritten.
Once you have it done and before you send it to me, please, reread it and check if your text makes sense.
I´ll let you know the correct answers tomorrow.

Corrección de la actividad del día 30/03
Actividades del día 30/03
Morning everybody!
How are you doing?
Do you remember the links we studied to use in our writings? Let´s remember them. They were:
First (primero), next (siguiente, después), then (entonces, luego), after that (después de) and finally (finalmente).
This activity is exercise number 1 and it is on page 80 of your student´s book so you can do it in your books. I will let you know the answers tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!
Corrección de la actividad del día 27/03
Actividades del día 27/03
Hey guys!
How are you doing? I hope you are enjoying your time at home.
Are you ready to practise? For today, there is an exercise in which you have four pictures and you need to write an affirmative sentence in the passive voice and a negative sentence in the passive voice of each of them.
Ex of affirmative sentence: The coffee was drunk by my sister
Ex of negative sentence: The coffee wasn´t drunk by my sister.

That´s it!
I will upload the answers on Monday.
Have a nice weekend!
Corrección de la actividad del día 26/03
Actividades del día 26/03
Morning everyone!
Let´s keep practising the passive voice. Today, you have a text with some gaps that you need to fill in according to what we have studied.
Remember to check the subject in order to know if it is singular o plural and the context of the sentence to know if it is in the present or in the past.
As usual, I will let you know the answers tomorrow.
That´s it!

Actividades del día 25/03
Good morning!
We are practising the passive questions today. So I made a game using the exercise number 1 of page 77 from your student´s book.
You just need to complete the gap by choosing the correct answer.
Note: The number of lines don´t have any relation with the number of letter of the words missing.
I hope you enjoy it!
See you tomorrow!
By the way, there isn´t any science homework today.
Correcciones de las actividades del día 24/03

Actividades del día 24/03
Morning everyone!
As I told you the other day, we are going to learn how to do questions in the passive voice. So I have prepared a presentation in which you can learn how to do it.
Before you start, have a look at the passive voice in affirmative sentences (the presentation of the other day, the diagrams made on your notebooks...). Once you have refreshed your knowledge, you are ready to start.
You need to pass the slides by clicking on the arrows (< >) located on the same slides.
At the end of the presentation, there are five sentences. Each of them has a mistake. You need to find them and correct them (do it on your notebooks).
I will let you know the answers tomorrow.
Have a nice afternoon!
Corrección de la ctividad del día 23/03
Actividades del día 23/03
Hi guys!
Hope everyone is well and have energy to start the week!
Shall we start reviewing something we studied at class a few weeks ago? Do you remember how to ask about the characteristics of something or somebody? It was...
How + adjective + am / is / are + subject (I / he / we...)?
Great! Now it´s your turn! You need to complete the questions using the adjectives in the box. Then, read the questions and the answers and try to guess the object! I will let you know which obect it is tomorrow.
Please, write this exercise in your notebook.
Have a lovely afternoon!

Resolución ejercicios días anteriores
Actividades del día 20/03
Hi everyone!
Should we keep practising the passive voice? It´s important you learn very well how to do the passive voice in affirmative sentences because we are about to learn how to do interrogative sentences in passive voice.
So, for today, we are gonna practise while we learn some interesting facts about different countries. How? Well, you have below a world map with some circles. When you put your cursor on these circles, a text appears. There is a verb (it´s the verb you have to use) and a sentence with a gap. You need to fill that gap using the passive voice. The sentences can be in present or past tense, depending on the context of the sentence.
Do this activity in your notebooks.
After this, you have a couple of curiosities related to the sentence you have just completed.
I hope you enjoy it and don´t hesitate (dudar) to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a lovely weekend!
Actividades del día 19/03
Hi guys!
Today, I leave you a game to practise the vocabulary that we have been studying from the list I gave you at the beginning of the year. There are words from different categories: months, days of the week, family, technology...
I have also found a crossword about the past participles of irregular verbs. You don´t need to do it if you don´t have a printer but, I thought, you might like it and it´s a fun way to keep studying these verbs.
Finally, I leave the picture of the vocabulary you need to study for next week.
Remember that it´s good you write the words down to learn how to spell them. Don´t forget to use your dictionary in case you don´t know the meaning of a word.

Resolución ejercicios días anteriores
Actividades del día 18/03
It´s time to review the past participles of the irregular verbs we have been studying during the whole school year. This is why, I have prepared a kahoot for you to play. Go ahead and good luck!
Actividades del día 17/03.
Let´s keep practising the passive voice.
Here, you have some sentences in active voice and two different forms of the passive voice. You need to select the correct one.
Remember the steps that you need to follow to change from the active voice to the passive voice. They are explained in the slides I sent you yesterday.
Actividades del día 16/03
Vamos a empezar la semana repasando "the passive voice".
Recordad que, en clase, vimos una presentación e hicimos varios esquemas y ejercicios. Podéis repasarlos para refrescar vuestra memoria. Además, os voy a dejar una presentación que resume los aspectos más importantes de la voz pasiva. Al final de la misma, tenéis varias oraciones en "active voice" que debéis transformar a "passive voice". Este es el ejercicio para hoy.
Actividades del día 13/03
Hoy no os voy a poner ningún ejercicio porque creo que ayer ya puse bastante. Sin embargo, os he preparado una presentación explicativa similar a la que vimos en clase. Creo que con este material y el que ya teníais, seréis capaces de completar la hoja.
Además, repasad, un poquito cada día, los verbos irregulares y las palabras estudiadas de la hoja de vocabulario.
Por último, recordar a aquellos alumnos que me tenían que hacer el writing (usando el present perfect y los comparativos) que hoy es el último día para enviármelo.
Actividades del día 12/03
Para el día de hoy, debéis hacer las siguientes actividades en las que vais a repasar el futuro. Revisad el esquema que hicimos en clase y que copiasteis en el cuaderno. Además, también en la hoja aparece un esquema explicativo sobre este tiempo verbal.