Activities for the 18th of June
As I told you yesterday, we are gonna keep reviewing the unit. For today, you have a kahoot.
I hope you enjoy it! ;)
Love you!
Activities for the 17th of June
Hi there!
How are you today? I hope you are doing well.
We have finished studying new things so, today and tomorrow, we are gonna do some games in which we can review the whole “Reported Speech”.
The game for today is the quiz that it was in the very first presentation of the “Reported Speech”. I am leaving it here again so you don't need to look for it.
That´s it!
Have a very nice afternoon!
Tons of love.
Activities for the 16th of June
Hi guys!
How is it going? Come on! It´s our last Tuesday!
Let´s do some reading and some exercises similar to yesterday´s ones.
In the first exercise, you need to order the paragraphs for the story to make sense. Once you have decided the order, reed everything to be sure it is done well.
In the second one, you have to pass the sentences to the “Indirect Speech”.
Finally, in the third activity, you have to read the sentences and after that, you need to decide who you think says those statements (according to the text).
Are you ready? Here you have the activities.
Por cierto, recordad que el pasado de “can” es “could”.
We will continue tomorrow.
Have a nice afternoon!
Lots of love!
Activities for the 15th of June
Morning everyone!
Today, we are learning something new. We are gonna see what a command is and how we change them from the “Direct Speech” to the “Indirect Speech”.
Here you have a new presentation in which everything is explained.
It´s not that difficult! I promise! Just do it very slowly as you have been doing it during the whole unit.
Now, it´s time for you to practise.
Here we go!
See you tomorrow!
Activities for the 12th of June
Hi there!
How are you today? I hope you are all well.
Well, we are finishing the reading today by reading the second story: “Coyote, Iktome and the Rock”.
Like yesterday, you have the story, the audio and two activities to do.
In the first one, you have some pronouns. You need to look for those sentences in the text and, by reading them, guess what the pronouns refer to. (Tenéis que buscar las oraciones en la lectura y, después de leerlas, averiguar a qué o quién se refieren los pronombres marcados en negrita).
In the second one, you need to order the sentences as they appear in the story.
There we go!

That´s it!
Have a very nice weekend and enjoy it!
Tons of love.
Activities for the 11th of June
Hi guys!
How is it going? I´m sure you are fine.
Let´s go for some reading today.
The reading, which is called, “Two tales of Coyote the Cunning” is divided into two little stories. Today, we are gonna read the first one “Coyote and the Crow”.
Read it slowly and try to understand sentence by sentence. You know you can look for the words you don´t know in your dictionaries or on the internet.
After reading the story, you have two activities.
In the first one, you need to order the sentences as they appear in the story.
In the second one, you have words whose letters are messed up (las letras de las “palabras” están revuletas). You need to order the letters to build adjectives (which appear in the story). After that, you need to decide who they refer to. For example, you have: vlecre --> order the words: clever --> refers to: Coyote.
You need to spend some time trying to guess the words. Don´t give up too easily. (¡No os rindáis!Tenéis que dedicar un tiempo a averiguar las palabras, no os rindáis tan fácilmente).
Here you have the reading and the audio.

And now, here you have the activities.
We will continue tomorrow.
Have a lovely afternoon!
Activities for the 10th of June
Morning everyone!
Yesterday, we learnt about the changes you need to do when you pass from the “Direct Speech” to the “Indirect Speech”.
Remember that you have these changes explained in both the presentation and the video.
As you know, English requires a lot of practice but, the Reported Speech, needs even more. This is why, we are gonna do some exercises today.
IMPORTANTE: Como ya sabéis, aunque ponga los ejercicios en cuestionarios y en fichas, NO SON EXÁMENES. Aun así, pensad y hacedlos despacio.
Today, we need to do two.
Here we go!
See you tomorrow!
Solutions for yesterday´s activities
You can check here the answers to the activity 1 of page 100 (Student´s book). The solutions to the other exercise (Activity book) were given in the survey yesterday.
1. ...was the most powerful god.
2. ...didn´t feel very hungry today.
3. ...his golden lyre was lost.
4. ...he loved playing tricks on his friends.
Activities for the 9th of June
Good morning everyone!
How is it going? I hope you are fine.
Today, we are gonna learn a little bit more about the Reported Speech. If you remember, last week (in the video and during the videocall), I explained that there are so many changes in the Reported Speech. Well, so let´s see them.
You have here a video in which I explain, through the other day´s presentation, these other changes.
After this, you have two surveys with two exercises.
IMPORTANTE: Los ejercicios, que son del activity y del student´s book, los tenéis que hacer en los cuestionarios pero NO SON EXÁMENES. No os preocupéis que sabéis que aviso si hacemos exámenes.
Durante los próximos días, los deberes van a ser fichas interactivas y cuestionarios pero, NO VAN A SER EXÁMENES. Así que, por favor, tranquilos.
Have a very nice afternoon!
See you tomorrow!
Activities for the 8th of June
Good morning everyone!
I hope you have had an amazing weekend.
Today, we are gonna keep practising what we saw on Friday.
We saw in the presentation and in the video that the tenses change from the direct speech to the indirect speech, and we also learnt how we introduce the inderect speech:
Subject + said + (that)...
or Subject + told + object + that ...
And do you remember all the examples we did during the videocall? Right, we are gonna keep doing that.
You need to do today a worksheet in which you need to decide to fill in the gap either with "told" or "said". REMEMBER that, after told, we need an object: me, you,him, her, us...
We are also doing an Activity Book exercise but, instead of doing it in the book, we are doing it in a survey. (No tenéis que hacer el ejercicio en el Activity Book, sólo en el cuestionario).
Well, here we go.
Have a nice day!
Activities for the 5th of June
Good morning!
How are you doing?
As you know, we started a new unit the other day. Today, we are gonna learn a little bit of the theory of the unit. This is why, I have prepared a presentation with different slides and a video in which, I explain that presentation.
Hoy no vamos a ver toda la presentación, así que mi recomendación es, que veáis el vídeo (porque os enseño en él la presentación) y luego, miréis las diapositivas concienzudamente (con atención); viendo otra vez el vídeo, en caso de que no entendáis algo.
Importante: Como ya os he dicho en las videollamadas, este tema, requiere de mucha, muchísima, mucha concentración. Tenéis que poner los cinco sentidos en lo que estáis haciendo porque vamos a ver un montón de cambios de tiempos, pronombres, adverbios... pero, no nos adelantemos, vamos por partes.
A ver, es algo difícil pero no os agobiéis porque vamos a ir despacio. De todas maneras, hoy, en la videollamada, os lo explicaré otra vez.
Vamos a comenzar haciendo un ejercicio muy facilito en el que tenemos que pasar del "direct speech" (os recuerdo, es lo que exactamente dice una persona y que va entre comillas) al "indirect speech" (cuando reproducimos lo que otra persona ha dicho).
En este ejercicio, de momento, sólo hay que cambiar el tiempo que nos dan.
Vamos a recordar cómo se hacían los cambios (viene en la presentación):
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Simple ------------------- Past Simple
Tanto el "Present Simple"como el "Past Simple", están explicados en el vídeo. Recordad, que también tenemos esquemas en el cuaderno y en el "Language Reference";)
Voy a hacer unos cuantos ejemplos para que lo veáis:
Tenemos las siguientes oraciones en "direct speech":
My friend: "I love parties."
Ashley: "I don´t speak French."
Susan: "She studies in London."
Scott: "Amy doesn´t like candies."
Lo primero que vamos a hacer, es localizar los verbos de estas oraciones (verde).
My friend: "I love parties."
Ashley: "I don´t speak French."
Susan: "She studies in London."
Scott: "Amy doesn´t like candies."
Como vemos, estos verbos en "direct speech" están en "present simple", por lo tanto, al pasarlos a "indirect speech", los tenemos que poner "past simple".
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
My friend: "I love parties." ----------------> My friend said that she loved parties.
Ashley: "I don´t speak French." -----------> Ashley said that she didn´t speak French.
Susan: "He studies in London." ----------> Susan said he studied in London.
Scott: "Amy doesn´t like candies." ------> Scott said that Amy didn´t like candies.
Sé que, en principio, parece complicado pero, ya veréis que enseguida le cogéis el truco.
Ahora, os toca a vosotros. Despacito, despacito. Buscad el verbo y luego haced el cambio de tiempo.
Nos vemos en un poquito, en la videollamada.
Solutions to yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 4th of June
Hi everyone!
You need to read this myth (page 99) which is about the Greek Mythology. If you remember, we studied this type of text in Spanish language.
Once you have read the text, you need to do exercises 1 and 2. In the first one, you need to identify the characters according to the text.
In the second one, you need to find in the text the statements that are given.
Read carefully and don´t forget to look for the words you don´t know in your dictionary.
Have a very nice afternoon and enjoy this gorgeous day!

Solutions for yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 3rd of June
Morning guys!
We start the last unit today. Unit 8.
In these exercises (1 and 2) of page 98 of the Student´s book, you need to complete the gaps by listening to the audios.
It´s very, very, easy so... go for it!

It was very easy, wasn´t it?
We continue tomorrow.
Have a very nice day!
Activities for the 2nd of June
Hi there!
How are you doing?
Today, we are finishing the English tests. We are doing the writing one.
You need to click on the following button to get to the survey. It is like the Spanish language and Maths ones.
Es una ficha como las de matemáticas y lengua. La tenéis que completar ahí y, una vez que la tengáis acabada y repasada, la enviáis. Tenéis que picar en la opción "enviar a mi profesor". Escribís vuestro nombre y apellidos y mi correo (martaespie18@gmail.com); le daís a enviar y ¡listo!
The last day to complete this test and yesterday´s one is on Wednesday.
Os recuerdo que el último día para hacer los tests de grammar (test de ayer) y writing (test de hoy) es el miércoles (incluido).
PENSAD BIEN TODO ANTES DE ENVIAR NADA. Recordad que sólo cuento la primera ficha que me mandáis, así que, estad seguro de lo que mandáis.
Now, here you go! Think carefully and good luck!
Activities for the 1st of June
Morning everyone!
I hope you have had a very nice weekend and you have enough energy for the week!
Today, we are gonna continue with the English tests. It´s time for the grammar one.
You need to click on the following button to get to the survey. It is like the Spanish language and Maths ones.
Es una ficha como las de matemáticas y lengua. La tenéis que completar ahí y, una vez que la tengáis acabada y repasada, la enviáis. Tenéis que picar en la opción "enviar a mi profesor". Escribís vuestro nombre y apellidos y mi correo (martaespie18@gmail.com); le daís a enviar y ¡listo!
The last day to complete this test and tomorrow´s one is on Wednesday.
Os recuerdo que el último día para hacer los tests del listening y el reading fue ayer. El de grammar (test de hoy) y writing (test de mañana), se pueden hacer hasta el miércoles (incluido).
PENSAD BIEN TODO ANTES DE ENVIAR NADA. Recordad que sólo cuento la primera ficha que me mandáis, así que, estad seguro de lo que mandáis.
Now, here you go! Think carefully and good luck!
Activities for the 29th of May
Hi everyone!
Are you ready to keep doing the tests of the unit 7?
Remember that YOU MUST do these tests (hemos hecho dos listenings y este de hoy). Comprobad que habéis hecho los tres antes del domingo.
Importante: Cuando enviéis el cuestionario, para saber si me ha llegado, os tiene que poner: "Se ha registrado tu respuesta". Lo pone arriba y, abajo, hay un botón que pone: "Ver las respuestas". Tenéis que clicar ahí para saber las soluciones de las preguntas.
And now...pay attention to complete the following survey.
Comprobad vuestras respuestas antes de darle al botón de enviar. Ya sabéis que solo cuento el primer test que mandáis.
Good luck! ;)
Activities for the 28th of May
Morning guys!
How are you doing? I hope you all are fine.
Let´s do the last activity of the unit. Tomorrow, we will keep doing the tests of the unit.
Today, you need to do the activity number 3 of page 32 (Language reference book).
Have a nice afternoon and don´t forget to study for tomorrow.

And you can also play the following game in which you are gonna practise the vocabulary of the unit.
It´s an escape room! You have different challenges that you need to pass in order to get a secret code.
Solutions for yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 27th of May
Morning everyone!
Vamos a dedicar el día de hoy y de mañana a hacer los ejercicios del language reference. El viernes (de esta semana) y el lunes y martes de la semana que viene, los dedicaremos a acabar los cuestionarios de la unidad.
Today, you need to do the exercises 1 and 2 of page 32 (language reference book).

See you tomorrow!
Activities for the 26th of May
How are you doing?
Today, you need to do the second listening test. Acordaros que ya hicimos uno ayer, que no se os pase hacer los dos. El último día es el domingo 31 de mayo.
Por otro lado, aunque os dije que íbamos a hacer los tests de este tema esta semana, mañana no haremos test, sino que repasaremos un poco más y haremos unos ejercicios. Los tests los retomaremos el miércoles o el jueves. En cualquier caso, el día que sea, lo veréis en el blog y también lo dejaré escrito.
Now, I leave you the audio and the test. Listen to it carefully and...good luck!
Activities for the 25th of May
Hi guys.
I hope you have had a great weekend.
Como ya sabéis, esta semana vamos a hacer los diferentes tests del tema de inglés. Haremos uno cada día.
Recordad que es obligatorio que todos hagáis estos tests. La fecha límite de todos ellos es el domingo 30 de mayo. Así que, ¡no olvidéis hacerlos! Apuntarlo en la agenda y los vais tachando a medida que los hagáis.
We start with a listening one. Good luck! You can do it!
Activities for the 22nd of May
Hi there!
What´s up?
Let´s finish the week and the unit doing the following activities. Activity 3 of page 96 and activity 6 of page 97 (both activities are in your activity book).
Remember that we are doing the tests of this topic next week so, please, study this weekend.
Recordad que la semana que viene vamos a hacer los cuestionarios obligatorios de la unidad, así que aprovechad para estudiar este fin de semana.
See you in a little while.

Solutions for yesterday´s activities
Notebook activity:
If you put water in the freezer, it freezes (freeze).
I will buy a nice car if I win (win) the lottery.
My grandparents will be (be) happy if my brother and I visit (visit) them.
If she waters (water) the plants, they don´t die (not die).
If she doesn´t invite (not invite) him, he won´t go (not go) to the party.
Student´s book:

Activities for the 21st of May
Morning everyone!
I hope you are fine and ready to keep practising!
Today, you need to do the activity number 4 of page 96 of your Student´s book. In this exercise you need to match both parts of the conditional sentences. Remember that if you don´t know any words, you must look for them in the dictionary.

After this, you must do the following activity in your notebooks.
You need to complete the sentences using the verbs in brakets but, in the correct tense. Bear in mind that they can be in the first or zero conditional. So, in order to know which one is, you need to think if the sentence is a fact or not.
Tenéis que completar los espacios usando los verbos que están entre paréntesis pero, en el tiempo que corresponda. Tened en cuenta de que las oraciones pueden estar en "zero conditional" o "first conditional". Para saber si es una u otra, tenéis que pensar si lo que se dice en la oración es un hecho, una ley universal o si no lo es.
Pensadlo bien.
If you put water in the freezer, it ____________ (freeze).
I will buy a nice car if I __________ (win) the lottery.
My grandparents __________ (be) happy if my brother and I __________ (visit) them.
If she ___________ (water) the plants, they __________ (not die).
If she __________ (not invite) him, he ____________ (not go) to the party.
We will continue tomorrow!
Have a great afternoon!
Solution for Tuesday´s activity

Activities for the 19th of May
Good morning!
I hope you all are fine!
We are going to start the review of the unit because we will do the exam next week.
So, today, we are doing the exercise number 1 of page 96 (Student´s book).
Para hacer este ejercicio, os podéis ayudar del que hicimos en la página 89 del activity book. Concretamente, del ejercicio 1.
Os recuerdo la estructura: What / Where / Who... + will + you + verbo entre paréntesis + if + you + present simple del verbo.
Después, tenéis que responder a la pregunta usando "the first conditional".
Este ejercicio es muy importante. No es difícil, pero tenéis que ir despacio y pensarlo bien.
¡Sé que podéis!

Have a nice afternoon! See you!
Solutions for yesterday´s activities
Student´s book:

Activity book:

Activities for the 18th of May
Hello everyone!
How was your weekend? I´m sure you had fun and you enjoyed it!
Today, we are gonna read the second part of the strory and do a couple of activities. The questions of these activities can be related to the first part of the strory (page 90) as well so you should read it to refresh your memory.
Here it is the reading and the audio of it.

Did you like the story? I hope you did!
Now, the activities are number 2 of page 91(Student´s book) and number 3 of page 90 (activity book). You can see them below.

See you tomorrow!
Solutions for Thursday´s activities
Student´s book activity:

Activity book exercise:

Activities for the 14th of May
Good morning everyone!
Taking into account that we have a long weekend ahead, we are gonna use these days to read the first part of the story of the unit and do some exercises about it.
This story is the second part of the last unit´s one. So, now, you will be able to know how it ends.
You can find the first part of this story on page 90 (student´s book). I am also leaving the audio so you can listen to the story.
Here, we go!

Remember! If you don´t know a word, check your dictionary.
Now, that you have read and listened to the story, you need to do the following activities.
From the student´s book, exercise number 2 of page 90. (Tenéis que dar respuestas completas). All the questions start with the word why so all the answers need to start with the word... b_ _ _ _ _ _

You also need to do the activity number 1 of page 90 (activity book).

And now, you need to... ENJOY YOUR LONG WEEKEND!
Talk on Monday!
Solution for yesterday´s activity

Activities for the 13th of May
Hello everyone!
I hope that you all understand the conditionals much better. And to become experts, we are gonna keep practising.
Today, you need to do the activities 1 and 2 of page 89 (activity book).
In this exercise you need to complete the questions as it is done in the example (completar las preguntas siguiendo el ejemplo de la pregunta 1) and then, you need to match the questions with their answers.
Here, you have the picture of the exercises.
Have a nice afternoon!

Solutions for yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 12th of May
I hope you are fine. Let´s go for this Tuesday!
Today, as we have been doing along this unit, we are keeping practising the conditionals. In this case, you need to do the exercise number 1 of page 89 (Student´s book).
Although, you can do the activity without the audio. Here, you have it. It will help you to do it and you will be able to check your answers.

Have a very nice afternoon!
Activities for the 11th of May
Hi everyone!
I hope that, even in this tough situation, you are well and happy. We are doing everything really well and you will see that the end is so close. So, come on!
We have already studied the zero and the first conditional and their uses and structures. Remember that, in the presentation and in the videos is everything and remember what I explained, during the videocall we had on Saturday, about the differences of meaning between one and the other. The zero conditional is for universal facts and the first one for possible things but we are not 100% sure.
So, now, we are gonna go a step further and we are gonna mix both types of conditionals.
Where is the homework for today?
If you go to the conditional presentation (which is at the end of this page) (la presentación de las condicionales que está al final de la página), you will see that in the main menu, there is an oleo drop which is called "Quiz zero and first conditional". Well, this is your homework for today, doing the quiz. Remember that both conditionals are mixed up (están mezcladas), so think carefully about what is given in the sentence, the context of it... Good luck!
In case you want to practise more... (Si queréis practicar más... es opcional pero recomendable)
Now, you know that in the "English antiguo" page. There are so many links about everything we have learnt during the school year (links de repaso de lo estudiado durante el curso). You can go there and keep practising if you would like to.
Anyway, I am leaving here again, some of the links to practise the zero and the first conditional in case you want to do it. (no es obligatorio)
Solutions for Friday´s activities
El ejercicio 3, en el que teníais que completar las oraciones condicionales sobre vosotros, no tiene una respuesta concreta como tal, ya que era personal. Lo que sí es común a todas las respuestas, es que tenéis que haber usado la "first condicional", es decir, tenéis que haber puesto vuestra información usando "will + infinitive".
The Alhambra´s activity.
The order od the paragraphs were 3, 1 and 2.
Well, enjoy your day!
Activities for the 8th of May
Hi there!
How are you doing?
Today, we are finishing studying the first conditional by itself. On Monday, we will start doing exercises in which some sentences will belong to the zero conditional and others, to de first conditional. This is why, it is very, very important that you study the uses and the structures of them both during the weekend.
Remember the videos in which both conditionals are explained and the presentation that is at the end of this page.
Well, now, you have to do the activity number 3 of page 89 (Student´s book)
Here, you need to complete the first conditional about yourselves. It doesn´t need to be true, you just need to complete them using the correct tense.

And... do you remember that we talked about the Alhambra in Social Sciences when we were studying the Al-Andalus? Well, here you have a text (page 92; exercise: 1) in which you can learn more about this incredible monument.
Once you have read the text, you need to decide which paragraph talks about each of the labels you have at the beginning of the text.
I really hope you enjoy it!
Have a lovely weekend!

Solutions of yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 7th of May
Hello guys!
I hope your are well.
Today, we are keeping on practising the first conditional (If/When + present simple+ , +future simple).
Just remember that you have a video in which I explain it and the presentation where you can find its uses and structure.
My suggestion is that you have a look at the presentation and the video before doing the activities.
Finally, remember that when you finish your activities, send them to me.
Well, here you have your activities. They are activities number 1 and 3 of page 88 (activity book).
Have a good day!

Correction for yesterday´s activities

Activities of the 6th of May
Hi guys! Good morning!
I hope you are having a good week and a better day.
As you know, we have studied the zero conditional. Today, it´s time for the first conditional.
I have prepared a video to explain it. Watch it (as many times as you need) and then, have a look at the other day´s presentation to check the structure of this type of conditional.
Once you have followed all these steps, you are ready to do the following activities. They are in your student´s book. Page 88, exercises 1 and 2.
In the first exercise, you need to fill the gaps in using the information that is in the orange box. Pay special attention and check if you need to put one part of the conditional sentence or the other.
In the second one, you need to order the images using the information given in exercise number one.
Good luck! Looking forward to seeing your answers.
Lots of kisses.

Solutions for yesterday´s activities

Activities for the 5th of May
Hey guys!
We are gonna keep practising the zero conditional by doing some exercises of the activity book, but, before I leave you the activities, and due to the fact that you have some difficulties to understand some English explanations, I have recorded a video in which I explain the zero conditional.
I hope it is useful for you.
If you want to watch the video, just click below.
I hope you liked it!
Now, are you ready for some more activities?
Let´s do activity number 2 of page 86 and number 1 of page 87 (Activity book)

That´s it!
Have a wonderful afternoon!
Activities for the 4th of May
Hey guys!
What´s up? I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
Como os he explicado en las otras páginas, he dividido las asignaturas de matemáticas, lengua e inglés en dos: la antigua y la principal.
En las antiguas encontraréis las explicaciones y actividades de los meses de marzo y abril, así como los links para practicar los contenidos que hemos estudiado durante el curso. En la principal, estará todo lo que ponga nuevo.
Once I have explained this, we are gonna keep practising the zero conditional.
I leave you here the presentation of the conditionals again so you can check it easily.
Time for some action.
You need to do the exercise 3 of page 87. In this one, you need to match each number with the information given in the exercise number 2.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Correction of Thursday´s activities
You can check the answers of Thursday´s activities.
En este ejercicio, teniáis que completar los huecos. Recordad que en la condicional cero se usa el present simple (podéis repasadlo en la primera unidad. Tenemos muchos esquemas en el cuaderno). IMPORTANTE: No olvidéis la -s de la tercera persona del singular ni que la negativa se hace con don´t y doesn´t (dependiendo de quién sea el sujeto).
If my dad drives very fast, I get sick.
Plants die if / when they don´t get enough water.
If / when I run, I get tired.
When he mixes red and blue, he gets purple.
When / If I am late, my father takes me to school.
He plays football if he doesn´t have any homework.
If I don´t know a word, I look it up in my dictionary.
When you cross an international date line, the time changes.
I am leaving you the answers of the other activities below.
Exercise 3 of page 86.

Exercise 2 of page 87.